atom package

Atom editor is one of the most awaited editor in developers zone. Atom is modular and that means if we want to add some extra feature to our editor we can write some lines of code and add them as module. This module’s are called ‘packages’. In this post i

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Brackets is an open-source code editor that has been specifically designed for working in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and subsequently has been built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Brackets comes w...

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  • Have you tried Atom? Although it is quite new, many have fallen in love with Atom, a text ...
    10 Most Useful Atom Packages for Web Developers - Hongkiat ...
  • Atom editor is one of the most awaited editor in developers zone. Atom is modular and that...
    5 Must Have Packages for Atom Editor | Codeforgeek
  • You choose from thousands of open source packages that add new features and functionality ...
  • Atom Packages First we'll start with the Atom package system. As we mentioned previous...
    Atom Packages
  • First we'll start with the Atom package system. As we mentioned previously, Atom itsel...
    Atom Packages - Atom Flight Manual
  • <ul> <li>Atom editor <em>1.21.0-beta0</em> or higher version</l...
    Atom Packages and Themes
  • Atom Packages Directory a package directory for a text editor of the 21st Century
    Atom Packages Directory
  • 心得 以前我很喜歡使用 Sublime Text 來開發,當然現在也很喜歡,之前 Front-End Developers Taiwan 在團購的時候我也有購買。今年五月份我買了人...
    Atom 使用心得與 Package 推薦 ( 2016/07/26 更新) « Negai no ...
  • 2014年8月13日 - 今年五月份我買了人生第一台Macbook Pro ,那個時候拿到電腦就想到GitHub 前不久才開發的Atom,就立刻的拿來試試,當時使用器來感覺&nb...
    Atom 使用心得與Package 推薦( 20160726 更新) « Negai no Sekai
  • In Atom, open Preferences (Settings on Windows); Go to Install section; Search for Emmet p...
    Emmet - Atom
  • 2014年5月12日 - How can I manually install a package? I have a fairly aggressive proxy, whic...
    Manually install package? - support - Atom Discussion
  • nuclide. A unified developer experience for web and mobile development, built as a suite o...
    Nuclide - Atom
  • Default UI for the Linter package. #linter-ui · #linter-ui-default · steelbr...
    Packages - Atom
  • Discussion about developing packages, extensions to Atom that enhance or change the behavi...
    packages - Atom Discussion
  • Recommended GitHub Atom Packages for Web Developers 17 Mar 2014 I’ve been using GitHub’s A...
    Recommended GitHub Atom Packages for Web Developers · Elijah ...
  • install <package_name>@<package_version> apm install --packages-file my-packag...
    下載安裝 | Atom Editor 使用筆記
  • 2015年11月18日 - 使用Atom一個很大的好處就是有豐富的package資源可以使用,你想要什麼功能基本上都有類似的package可以幫你做到,如果沒有就自己寫一個吧&n...
    我常用的Atom Package | 魔法師的手杖